Yearly Archives: 2012

After a wasted  half-hour trying to get to my blog on my new and disobedient iPad, I’m back with my trusty PC to send my thanks and best wishes to everyone who reads this. I’m looking out over the Thames which seems about to burst its banks (could that be a metaphor for something? What?) ... Read More

Westward Ho!

It would have been nice to report on a week’s Arvon course  at Totleigh Barton in Devon and tell all three of my devoted readers how to write for radio. But it didn’t work out. I did go west and visited my friend Jane and her bulldog Oscar in Truro, Cornwall. It rained, as you ... Read More

More triumphs and disasters

The run of good luck with Ether Books continues.  They have accepted ‘Out of the Sea: two Cornish Love Stories’  one of the sweetest, most feel-good things I have ever produced.  The second acceptance was of ‘Googling the Wife’  – originally one of the nastiest – I had a horrible insensitive and mercenary protagonist.  But ... Read More

That sinking feeling

With Amazon self-publishing you have easy access to your sales figures, but I gather you are not allowed to broadcast them. I wouldn’t want to. The picture I am trying to upload or insert  provides a metaphor for how I am feeling.

Fame Please check this out.: It’s me – featured as Ether Books writer of the day. And on theri Facebook entry they say I’m ‘rather hilarious’. That’s nice. I’ve been called worse.

up and running scared

Two self-published  but excellent collections are now up there somewhere and can be read on kindles and  ipads and even somehow on PCs for £1.92 or so apiece.  I won’t go into too much detail about the process of getting them there. Let’s just say it was not as easy as I expected – after ... Read More
